Your Personal Financial Professional.

The Retirement Miracle
It's not a stretch to call this a life-altering book, because it is. This book is a good read for anyone interested in finding out HOW these things work and WHY they might be a good alternative to the deferred-taxes route of traditional IRAs and 401(k) plans.
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Money, Wealth and Life Insurance
How the Wealthy Use Life Insurance as a Tax-Free Personal Bank to Supercharge Their Savings
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The Power Of Zero (Full Movie)
The United States Government has made trillions of dollars in unfunded promises for programs like Social Security and Medicare—and the only way to deliver on these promises is to raise taxes. Some experts have even suggested that tax rates will need to double, just to keep our country solvent.
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What Would The Rockeffelers Do?
Imagine one of your great- grandchildren presiding over a family fortune. And imagine that, whenever your great-grandchild puts that money to good use, they toast you--because you started it all. You amassed wealth and left behind a set of values and a financial legacy to shepherd that wealth.
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Safe Money
This is an Amazing Story! A story that has for many generations ben told only in bits and pieces to the very wealthy the very select few! If you are tired of being part of the RAT RACE and truly believe that you and your family deserve the same opportunity to be FINANCIAL SECURE-PROTECTED FROM A TAX MACHINE THAT IS OUT OF CONTROLL-AND CREAT WEALTH FOR GENERATIONS OF YOUR LOVED ONES-GUARANTEED, then you need to read this book, mark it up, write notes in the borders, and answerer it's call to action before the next great correction or Congress passes a tax bill!
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US Tax List
The United States of America has separate federal, state, and local governments with taxes imposed at each of these levels. Taxes are levied on income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees.
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A shocking look at Wall Street's greed and deception and how you can win the battle to restore your dream of abundance in retirement.
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